High-rate, high-fidelity entanglement of qubits across an elementary quantum network


High-rate, high-fidelity entanglement of qubits across an elementary quantum network

A paper demonstrating the Hub's work on quantum networking has been published in the APS Physical Reviews Letters journal.

Abstract: We demonstrate remote entanglement of trapped-ion qubits via a quantum-optical fiber link with fidelity and rate approaching those of local operations. Two 88Sr+ qubits are entangled via the polarization degree of freedom of two spontaneously emitted 422 nm photons which are coupled by high-numerical-aperture lenses into single-mode optical fibers and interfere on a beam splitter. A novel geometry allows high-efficiency photon collection while maintaining unit fidelity for ion-photon entanglement. We generate heralded Bell pairs with fidelity 94% at an average rate 182s−1 (success probability 2.18×10−4).

The paper was written by L J StephensonD P NadlingerB C NicholS AnP DrmotaT G BallanceK ThirumalaiJ F GoodwinD M Lucas, and C J Ballance.  It is available to read on the APS journals website.