Cold atoms

As part of our work, the Hub is focusing on quantum computing and simulation using cold neutral atoms. Neutral atoms, have a particular strength in that we can already produce them and manipulate a relatively large number of identical qubits. In addition to providing a platform for future digital quantum computing this gives opportunities for quantum advantage with near term quantum simulation.

In the first three years of the Hub we're focusing on applications of these, especially towards materials science. Our work comprises experimental programmes at the University of Cambridge and the University of Strathclyde, and complementary theory at the University of Oxford and the University of Strathclyde.

Analogue Quantum Simulation: Applications

Physics and Materials science

  • Many-body physics, Analogue computers /wind tunnels for Non-equilibrium quantum dynamics
  • Connections to solid-state systems
  • Materials science: (multi-band) Hubbard models, applications to catalysts / battery cathodes

Basis for quantum metrology

  • Cold atoms used for precision measurement and sensing
  • Use controlled many-body physics to develop next generations of clocks + sensors

Programmable simulation beyond physics

  • Optimization problems, Quantum chemistry, ....
Programmable Quantum Simulation: Challenges
  • Local programmability
  • Reduction of calibration errors
  • Scaling (increasing system size) – currently ca. 500-1000 atoms
  • Demonstration of practical quantum advantage over classical calculations
  • Certification and verification of results beyond classical calculations
  • Development of applications relevant beyond basic science (e.g., materials science or optimization, operating as a co-processor)

You can find out more about the Quantum Optics and Quantum Many-body Systems group at the University of Strathclyde here: