Quantum Simulation explained


Quantum Simulation explained

The Hub has released a new guide that offers an overview of quantum simulation and its applications, aimed at a non-expert audience.

The report looks at why simulation is such an important tool, and gives an overview of the opportunities that emerging quantum simulation technologies offer. It also provides an overview of the key research and commercial activities taking place around the world. You can download the report here.

Quantum simulation is an often overlooked part of the Quantum Information Technology (QIT) revolution that is currently happening around the world. QIT promises new approaches to computing, inherently secure communications and the ability to solve intractable computational problems. However, perhaps one of the most essential offerings will be a better ability to understand nature and its fundamentals.

Existing digital computers make valiant attempts to mimic the complex processes we find in nature, but despite the ever increasing and cheaper volumes of processing power, few can match the complexity of quantum physics. For many of the most fundamental problems – often the most valuable in chemistry and physics – classical computing proves to be inadequate. Quantum computers are expected to perform better in these areas, but the best modelling of quantum dynamics could be provided by a quantum system that we can manipulate. This is known as a quantum simulator.

Developing these tools faces tough technological challenges, but good progress is being made towards practical applications in industry and science. Quantum simulators offer unique strengths and should be considered as viable near-term solutions for high-value applications in fields such as logistics, materials discovery and chemistry. The report provides an accessible overview of quantum simulators, their technology and their likely applications.